100% Cotton
Color fast and extra firm (will not stain uniforms)
1 1/2″ wide
8 rows of stitching
White / yellow stripe
Yellow / orange stripe
Orange / green stripe
Green / blue stripe
Blue / purple stripe
Blue / brown stripe
Purple / brown stripe
Brown / black stripe
Embroidery service: If you selected “With embroidery” in the embroidery option above, please go to embroidery page and send us the appropriate order form a.s.a.p. after the checkout. Click here for more details…
Personalized belt labels: To further enhance the appearance of your belt, you can now choose a Arawaza label to match your style or association: Shotokan, Shito Ryu, Goju Ryu, Wado Ryu, J.K.A, S.K.I, Kyokushinkai.
Lisa-Marie Guay –
Bonjour ! Un p’tit mot simplement pour vous remercier pour la commande ! Tout est parfait ! La ceinture brodée est très belle ! Merci pour le bon service !!